노바 작업일지

Flexible Denture polishing with NOVA

노바엘앤피 본사 2023. 5. 9. 10:25

#flexibledenture #denture #acrylicdenture #denturebasematerial #polishing #mirrorpolishing

Most dentures are hard and strong.

Recently many of people are choosing a partial denture made from softer material.

Since ages, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) has been used to fabricate the dentures and when facilities are available, metal cast / metal frame / metal base dentures are also fabricated to restore the defects. The acrylic denture base prostheses have their own advantages and disadvantages. Some problems with these prostheses are difficult to address, such as insertion in undercut areas, brittleness of methyl methacrylate which leads to fracture, and allergy to methyl methacrylate monomer.

From the recent studies, Many cases were highly satisfied with the use of flexible dentures. patients preferred the flexible dentures over the customary methyl methacrylate dentures.

Materals are developed over the decades,

However polishing methods are still in the same place.

The procedure seems to be easy, however, it requires some professional skills.



NOVA will provide a new solution for it.

No need skilled workers, Easy, Fast.



NOVA Abrasive will provide a grade of mirror polished surface.

Smooth polished surface of dental prostheses is important to prevent bacterial colonization and plaque accumulation.

Also Elastic Media can polish the surface without damages comparing to hand polishing depending on skills of workers.

You can see the differences below.

One major benefit of a Highly polished surface is that it's very smooth.

This means there's nowhere for the dirt or microbes to lodge,so it's easily cleaned.


In the case of a highly mirrored state, when water is poured onto the metal surface, no water remains on the metal surface, as if oil has been applied.


NOVA Abrasive is made of food and cosmetic grade materials.

Except, coated grinding abrasice materials.

Try next generation polishing solution with NOVA.


Denture Surface Microscope Photo



The best part of NOVA technology is that it can replace manual labor.

NOVA elastic abrasive flow along the surface of complex workpieces minimizing the damage of the edges.


The best part of NOVA technology is that it can replace manual labor.

NOVA Abrasive can be used for Multi-purpose metal polishing for a variety of metals including titanium, magnesium, ceramic, zirconia, 3D printing models, acrylic, copper, stainless steel, chrome, aluminium, brass and bronze...


Depending on the material, roughness and shape of the object,

NOVA will provide the polishing solutions.

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